St. Agnes Catholic School Connector
Weekly Update for September 16th
Catholic Reflection: Following Jesus
Friday of the Twenty-Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities… Luke 8:1-2
Jesus was on a mission. His mission was to preach to town after town tirelessly. But He did not do this alone. This passage points out that He was accompanied by the Apostles and several women who had been healed and forgiven by Him.
There is much this passage tells us. One thing it tells us is that when we allow Jesus to touch our lives, heal us, forgive us and transform us, we want to follow Him wherever He goes.
The desire to follow Jesus was not only an emotional one. Certainly there were emotions involved. There was incredible gratitude and, as a result, a deep emotional bond. But the bond went so much deeper. It was a bond created by the gift of grace and salvation. These followers of Jesus experienced a greater level of freedom from sin than they had ever experienced before. Grace changed their lives and, as a result, they were ready and willing to make Jesus the center of their lives following Him wherever He went.
Reflect, today, upon two things. First, have you allowed Jesus to pour forth an abundance of grace into your life? Have you allowed Him to touch you, change you, forgive you and heal you? If so, have you then repaid this grace by making the absolute choice to follow Him? Following Jesus, wherever He goes, is not just something these Apostles and holy women did long ago. It’s something that we are all called to do daily. Reflect upon these two questions and recommit yourself where you see a lacking.
Lord, please do come and forgive me, heal me and transform me. Help me to know Your saving power in my life. When I receive this grace, help me to return to You in gratitude, everything that I am and to follow You wherever You lead. Jesus, I trust in You.
Dates to Remember
September 19th - Monday Mass
High School Fair: St. Joseph, Fullerton
September 20th - Fall MAP Testing Begins
High School Fair: Immaculate Conception, Towson
September 21st - Faculty Meeting
High School Fair: Resurrection-St. Paul, Ellicott City
September 22nd - High School Fair: St. Mark
September 23rd - H.S.A. Movie Night
Last Day for Joe Corbi’s Orders
September 26th - Monday Mass/ MAP Make up Testing
High School Fair: Cardinal Shehan, Baltimore
September 27th - MAP Make up Testing
High School Fair: Monsignor Slade, Glen Burnie
September 28th - Team Meeting
High School Fair: School of the Incarnation, Gambrills
September 29th - 8th Grade Parent Meeting
High School Fair: Sacred Heart, Glyndon
The full Save the Dates Calendar that was sent out in July is also linked here for your reference as well.
NWEA - MAP Growth
8th Grade Parent Meeting
We will be holding an 8th grade informational meeting on Thursday, September 29th from 5:00 pm - 6:00pm in the St. Agnes Catholic School Activity Center.
Dismissal Parking
Please refrain from parking in front of the building, this is causing a safety hazard for parents leaving the Shopper's Parking lot during dismissal.
Amazon Smile
Please bookmark Amazon Smile and use it every time you shop. St. Agnes Catholic School receives a donation on select purchases. The link for Amazon Smile can be found here.
Virtus Training
All parents or guardians who are interested in volunteering/chaperoning at school events will need to be Virtus Trained. Please visit Virtus the website at www.virtusonline.org to create your profile and begin the training. The Virtus Training Certification is active for five years.
HSA Volunteer Opportunities
- Breakfast and Lunch Volunteers- https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F094DAEAE2CA0F85-breakfast
- Breakfast 7:30am-8:00am
- Lunch 11:00am -1:30pm
- After School Traffic Control
- Current or Retired Law Enforcement needed to help with directing traffic at dismissal
- Movie Night Volunteers to assist with concessions
- BenQ Board Assembly (3)
- A Classroom Parent for 5th Grade
To Sign-up for upcoming and additional Volunteer Opportunities please complete the following Google Form: HSA Volunteer Sign-Up Form
Upcoming Events
- 10/19 Trimester 1 General Meeting 6:00pm-7:30pm
- 10/29 Trunk or Treat
- 11/19 Spaghetti Dinner Night
For questions or additional information, please feel free to contact HSA by email at hsaboard@stagnesschool.net.
HSA Classroom Directory
HSA is building a Family Directory to better communicate with families, please complete the Google Form to share your information with HSA and Classroom Parents.
Income Surveys
This is just a gentle reminder to complete the Income Survey for this school year. The survey is due on Friday, September 23rd. The form is linked here for your reference.
Lunch Applications
The meal program has return to normal operations. This means that families who do not qualify for free/reduced meals will have to pay full price. Families can apply for free/reduced meals by completing the attached meal benefit application and returning it to abain@archbalt.org Child Nutrition Program, 320 Cathedral St., Baltimore, MD 21201 fax 410-625-8470. If parents return meal benefit applications to school please forward them to me immediately. I have attached the meal benefit application and meal charge policy in English and Spanish.
Joe Corbi's & Claire's Gourmet Fundraiser
St. Agnes Catholic School Uniform Policy
This is just a reminder that all students MUST be in their formal uniform each day. We noticed this week students coming into school with their shirts not tucked in their pants, with different color socks, brown shoes and in some instances sneakers. Students who violated the uniform policy this week received a verbal warning. Starting next week students will receive demerits along with a phone call home for not being in proper uniform. Students who consistently violate the school uniform policy will receive a phone call from the school receptionist, and you will be asked to pick up your child and take them home or bring the correct uniform for them to wear. For more information regarding school uniforms, please visit our school website linked here.
SACS Classroom Parent Volunteers
We are looking for classroom parents who will help serve as a liaison and facilitate communication between parents and teachers, school administration, Home School Association (HSA), and provide support to the teacher. Classroom parents will be a great asset to your child's success and help with communication to parents in regards to fundraising, classroom donations, organizing a gift for the teacher's birthday, classroom party and/or activity needs, etc. If you are interested in volunteering to be a classroom parent, please email Ms. Hoda at habdalla@stagnesschool.net.
There will also be sign up sheets placed in each classroom during Back to School Night.
8th Grade Families
This fall virtual and in-person fairs for middle school families who want to learn more about our Catholic High Schools. Our Virtual Fair will take place on Monday, October 3rd, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Please visit https://www.archbalt.org/schools/our-schools/high-school-admissions/to register for the event, and to receive access details.
Catholic Bible Verse of the Day
and some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out. Luke 8:1-3
Catholic Trivia Question of the week
How many dioceses does the Catholic Church have around the world?
St. Agnes Catholic Church Events
Please see the attached Flyer for the following events taking place at St. Agnes Catholic Church:
About our School
St. Agnes Catholic School is a vibrant and diverse community centered on Jesus Christ in the Catholic tradition. Our program unites the heart, soul, and mind through a formation of faith, a strong academic foundation and a commitment to serving the needs of our human society. Our graduates are sent forth prepared to take their place as leaders in the church and our world.
Website: https://stagnesschool.net/
Location: 603 St. Agnes Lane Catonsville, MD 21129
Phone: (410) 747-4070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StAgnesCatholicSchoolCatonsville