Ridge View October Newsletter
Mrs. Anderson, Principal
College Go Week, Put Your Nose in a Book Day, and Canoemobile (gr 3-5) Highlights
Students in grades 3-5 who experienced the canoe ride on Lake George learned important information about the nature that Hobart has to offer while viewing the beautiful scenery!
We were lucky to have guest readers come into some of our classrooms to read to our students and stress how important literacy is and how it has helped them get to where they are today. We want to say thank you to all of our guests which included our Superintendent, Dr. Buffingtion, SRO Gressor, and Hobart's Mayor!
It is very important your child is at school each day to learn and have face to face instruction in the classroom. Please try to keep appointments outside of the school hours, as well as long vacations. There are incentives to encourage attendance this school year. Students will earn a Ridge View necklace and certificate for perfect attendance for each nine weeks. Classes can also earn a popcorn day for outstanding attendance! This includes tardies. Students who are here on time are more apt to have a more productive and positive day. Lunch detentions will be issued to students each time after they exceed five tardies.
We do know that children get sick. In the event that your child has a fever above 99.9 and/or is vomiting, please call the school and send a note in the day they return.
Important Dates
October is Fire Prevention Month.
October is Bullying Prevention Month.
October 17th is Kindness Week.
Fridays are Brickie Days! Wear your purple and gold.
October 27th from 6-7 pm: Pumpkin Light Night and Student Council Inductions. 6:00 is for Student Council Members and their families. 6:30 please bring a decorated pumpkin created by your child or family with an opportunity to win a prize!
Help keep our children warm during the cold winter! Please donate coats to Coats for Kids (and families). If you are in need, please call for more information.
5th Grade Free College Savings Event
We have someone at Ridge View that can walk you through it at school on a computer or over the phone! :)
-You only need the Social Security Numbers for your STUDENT and PARENT.
-Registration will take less than five minutes.
-Your child will get $25 FREE WHEN YOU REGISTER FOR A 529 COLLEGE SAVINGS PLAN. ---Once your child earns the first $25.00, by participating in our Gelsosmo's Fundraiser or are gifted it from relatives for doing choirs or having a discussion about college, our partners will deposit an additional $25 into his/her account for a beginning total of $50.00! Don't miss this opportunity!
Red Ribbon Week- October 21st-24th
Red Ribbon Week- October 21st-24th
Tuesday, October 25 Pajama Day-staying Drug-free helps make my dreams come true!
Wednesday, October 26 Wear patriotic or red, white, blue attire-I elect to be drug-free.
Thursday, October 27 Dress up in different decade. 50's, 60's 80's, etc-Stay Drug-Free every decade!
Friday, October 28- Dress in favorite sport gear or work out clothing- fishing, gymnastics, football, baseball, etc. or Brickie spirit gear-Stay Strong with a drug-free spirit! Say no to drugs and live a healthy life!
Monday, October 31- Dress up as favorite book character -(must be school appropriate) Let's show good character, book character by being drug-free.
Now that report cards have been sent home, you will hear your child’s teacher talk about reading levels. This is the way we benchmark students for instruction and as independent readers. There are multiple ways to measure a child’s reading level and they are used for multiple purposes. At Ridge View we use both Guided Reading Levels and Lexile Levels.
A student’s Independent Reading Level refers to the level in which a child is able to read fluently with very few errors and have the ability to recall the story and make inferences easily on their own. This level is a great place for students to read on their own to practice fluency, for entertainment and to gain subject knowledge.
A student’s Instructional Reading Level refers to the reading level which is no longer easy for the student to read alone. This level is just above the Independent Level and requires teacher support for reading and understanding. The Instructional Level is used for challenge and growth. Teachers use this level to teach students strategies to help them grow as readers.
The Reading Level Chart shows the recommended independent levels for each grade level. The lowest level would be for the beginning of the year and the higher level is the end of the year target. Two places to find books at your child’s reading level would be www.scholastic.com and www.lexile.com. Reading growth occurs when a student reads at a slightly challenging level. However, above all, a child should be reading independently in books of interest.
1st Grade
Guided Reading Level C-J
Lexile Range 200-400
Guided Reading Level J-M
Lexile Range 300-600
3rd Grade
Guided Reading Level M-O
Lexile Range 500-800
4th Grade
Guided Reading Level P-S
Lexile Range 600-900
5th Grade
Guided Reading Level S-V
Lexile Range 700-100
About Ridge View
Location: 3333 West Old Ridge Road, Hobart, IN, United States
Phone: (219) 942-5614