Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | April 2019
Welcome, Spring!
Congratulations to the Spring 2019 Cohort of TOPP!
TOPP Spring ‘19 cohort was a committed and engaged group of DE faculty. They completed the 8-week online training and shared their newly developed online/hybrid courses at the Zoom Show & Tell sessions on March 27th & 28th. Congratulations to:
Mindy Case, Math 103
Herve Collin, ASTR 110
Michelle Dela Cruz, Health 270
Mary Ann Esteban, Math 100
Philippe Gross, PSY 240
Richard Halverson, ITS 128
Kloe Kang, Art 269H
Rachel Lindsey, PHYL 141
Kuahiwi Moniz, HWST 100
Duane Seabolt, BLAW 200
David Stevens, ITS 142
Calvin Tan, ACC 255
Caroline Torres, SLT 102
Nadine Wolff, Math 140
We look forward to continuing our collaboration with you as you move on to the implementation stage!
Free lynda.com Account Can Help You with ADA Compliance
Consider ProctorU for Your Summer or Fall 2019 Classes
The integration process of ProctorU tabs in Laulima has been simplified due to fabulous work done by UH ITS. The tabs used to be added manually as LTI tools (a.k.a. external tools) for every single course in Laulima. Now, instructors can embed the tabs as URL links via the “Web Content” tool without sending the request to Youxin (Yoyo).
How (tutorial video)? > Go to "Site Info" > “Manage Tools” > Checkmark "Web Content" > Give a name in the title line (e.g. ProctorU login) > Copy and paste the first link listed below into the Source box > Click "More Web Content Tools" > Select "1 more" > Copy and paste the second link into the Source box > Click "Continue" > Click “Finish” to save the changes.
ProctorU Login page:
(note: this link will work for Kapiʻolani credit course only, not for any development/project site.)
Test-taker Page:
These two tabs will show up immediately in the left-hand navigation bar after being added to your course site(s) in Laulima. They can be made invisible to your students if needed.
Adding these tabs, though, is just one of the steps you need to complete to offer online proctoring via ProctorU as an option in your class. If you haven't yet set up your exams in ProctorU, you'll still need to do that. Youxin (Yoyo) can help you: youxin@hawaii.edu.
Questions? Feel free to email Youxin (Yoyo) at youxin@hawaii.edu.
Community Tech Fair on Saturday, April 6
Join us for a free, techy, and fun-filled afternoon on Saturday, April 6, 2019 in the Lama Library from 12pm to 3pm. Enjoy hands-on activities, demos, and lots of door prizes! Activities include:
Create a light painting or go on a guided photo walk (Eyes of Hawaiʻi)
Make a paper circuit or a button
Watch an anime artist at work
Try VR and xBox One accessibility gaming (Microsoft)
Learn to code (Kaiser HS, PCATT)
Ask about cameras and accessories (Pro Camera Hawaiʻi & Hawaiʻi Camera)
Watch a drone demo (AERo Hawaiʻi)
Watch a robotics demo (Sacred Hearts Academy)
Get a massage or get your face painted
Attend workshops on iPhone apps or travel planning with Google (Kapiʻolani CC)
Learn about online safety and scams (DCCA)
Bring your e-waste or papers to shred (Hawaiian Hope & Office Depot)
Win cool door prizes
And much more!
Upcoming Workshops in Spring 2019
CELTT is pleased to announce that a series of interactive workshops will be offered for each month in Spring 2019.
April Workshops
F2F | Fostering Community in Online Courses
Friday 4/5 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116
SPOTLIGHT: Online Teaching | Group Projects Online
Friday 4/26 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Lama 118
Reminders will be posted through Kapi'olani News and Events. Our goal is to provide opportunities in a variety of workshop topics to anyone who may be interested in learning, collaborating, and/or growing their skills.
If you have any questions about our Workshop Series or would like to suggest a topic, please reach out to celtt@hawaii.edu.
Migrating Laulima Content
Laulima Tips (Advanced)
Continued Tips on Embedding Youtube videos
Last month we learned how to suppress related videos at the end of a Youtube video by adding ?rel=0 in the embed code:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JeKn-ym6sgE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
Another useful tip is to enable the captions by default.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JeKn-ym6sgE?rel=0&cc_load_policy=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
cc_load_policy=1 ensures that the video, by default, displays captions when played.
Faculty Senate Distance Education Committee Updates
The DE committee is excited to announce that Faculty Senate has approved the DE Class Review process.
This Class Review process is designed to ensure that we are meeting Federal and State requirements and accreditor expectations while ensuring that faculty maintain control of their online classes. In addition, it offers us opportunities to effectively expand our DE Program and to enrich and individualize faculty PD. Centralized review will allow us to more efficiently and efficaciously provide the support that faculty are requesting. And we can implement a system that keeps decision-making at the department level. For a more detailed look at the process’ why and how, check out the prezi slideshow.
What’s next?
We are waiting for the admin response to the resolution and will then start with the preparation/planning phase 1 in Fall 2019 followed by a pilot of the review process in Spring 2020.
DE in Numbers
See Number of Online Classes (DCO) by UHCC Campus for the table of actual numbers and percentages.
What We Are Reading Now
- Digital Transformation: A Caterpillar or A Butterfly? (Educause)
- Faculty Training, Support for Online Teaching Needs Improvement (Campus Technology)
- Techniques for Engaging Students in an Online Computer Programming Course (El-Sheikh, 2009, iiisci.org)
- Online Discussions: Improving Education in CS? (Mihail, 2014, acm.org)
- Designing Effective Discussion Questions (Stanford Teaching Commons)
- Burvall, A., & Ryder, D. (2017). Intention: Critical creativity in the classroom. Irvine, CA: EdTechTeam Press.
Helen Torigoe
Instructional Designer, CELTT
htorigoe@hawaii.edu, x9855
Jamie Sickel
jsickel@hawaii.edu, x9849
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
youxin@hawaii.edu, x9822
Leigh Dooley
ldooley@hawaii.edu, x9703
Nadine Wolff
nwolff@hawaii.edu, x9787
Kelli Nakamura
kellinak@hawaii.edu, x9420
Melissa Nakamura
mchar@hawaii.edu, x9152