Hannum Happenings Parent Edition
August 6, 2021
I am hoping this communication finds you and your families safe, healthy, happy and looking forward to a new school year! This year we look forward to seeing all of our students back for the first time since March of 2019… what a long road it has been, but I think everything happens for a reason and when I reflect on the last 17 months, what I think about is gratitude. Gratitude for my family and friends (who are even more special then before) and gratitude for this amazing school community. Our staff is the best of the best and are always advocating for their students and love them as their own. Our families are involved, and supportive to the staff and to each other. Our students…without them we would not all be together. They’ve struggled and persevered and I am so very very proud of them. Having everyone back together is such a gift and I am so excited to welcome everyone (1st grade through 5th grade) back to school on Wednesday, August 18th. Our new Kindergarten students will officially begin on Friday August 20th!
COVID PROTOCOLS: I wanted to relay the information that Dr Enderle shared with everyone about a week ago. This is our multi-layered approach to keep students and staff safe. D123’s Pandemic Health and Safety Plan is linked and while things will evolve and change as transmission rates change, this is the current thinking.
- Due to the executive order from Gov. Pritzker, masks are now required for vaccinated and unvaccinated people within a school setting.
- Self Certification will not be required as students and staff enter the building, but random temperature checks will occur.
- Quarantining will still happen if a student has symptoms of Covid-19 or meets other requirements (for example: a travel ban) . If a student is quarantined, work will be available for someone to pick up in the foyer of school. There will be a virtual teacher available from 3:30-4:30 to assist your child with any questions they may have about the work.
- Distancing in classrooms and in lunch will reflect the guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). To assist with contact tracing, seats may be assigned in the lunchroom.
- All Encore classes will be conducted from those classrooms instead of a child’s homeroom.
- In person events will be held again and masks will be required.
We are hopeful that while things are still not completely back to where they were pre-pandemic, it is much closer than they were during the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you for all of your support as we continue to navigate this situation.
STAFFING: I wanted to let everyone know about some staffing changes that have occurred at Hannum School over the summer...
After 10 years of service to the Hannum community, Mrs. Carberry is off enjoying a well deserved retirement. We are finalizing the replacement for her as we speak. More information on that will be coming.
Peg Martire who taught Art for us once a week also retired and our new teacher will be Ms. Trinity Lee
Pam Strahorn who was our media specialist once a week has also retired! She is being replaced by Mrs. Beth Keblusek who has been a long time classroom teacher within the district.
Our social worker, Cassie Cipriani has been moved to Kolmar School and we are excited to welcome Jennifer Hernandez. Ms. Hernadez has been a long time social worker at Sward and she will split her time between Hannum and Sward.
They are all excited to join our amazing team and community and we are happy to welcome them.
TEACHER PLACEMENT: The big question that I know you have is when will we know who our child’s teacher will be? You will be able to log on to Skyward at noon on Wednesday, August 11th to find out that information. Every year, I get a fair amount of calls requesting a change in their child’s placement. Every year, I say the same thing. Changes will not be made. Class lists are not made randomly. Great care and collaboration goes into balancing a classroom. If you or your child didn’t get their first choice for a teacher, please use this as a teachable moment and talk to your child about being positive and you should also be positive. Do not speak negatively about a teacher. Children pick up on this and it can make for a very long year.
Teachers have been preparing to welcome your child. We all work so hard to get to know your child and their friends. We always try to match them with a teacher that will be good for them. We also try to put friends in the classroom, but school is also about making new friends. Changes will not be made because a friend is in another class. This can also be used as a teachable moment. Making new friends in a new environment is a life skill that will always be needed as our children grow up and move on from elementary school. Thank you for your help in making this a positive year for your child and your family.
UPCOMING DATES: I mentioned that in person events are back! So there are a few dates for you to know! This year we will resume with the Supply Drop Off at the elementary buildings and OLHMS. Parents and students will be welcome to come into Hannum School on Tuesday, August 17th from 12:30-2:00 OR from 6:00-7:30pm They will be able to go into their classrooms, possibly meet their teacher and drop their supplies off so that on the first day of school our students are not burdened with carrying all their supplies by themselves. Our first day of school for grades 1st-5th will be Wednesday, August 18th from 8:30-11:30am. Our K students will begin coming for their screenings on Wednesday, but their first day of school won’t be until Friday, August 20th and it will be a full day of school. Our school hours are 8:30-3:20. The Hannum PTA is sponsoring the New Parent Breakfast that will also be on Friday, August 20th at 8:45am. If you are new to Hannum School and can spare about 30-45 minutes, this is a great way to meet other new parents and be welcomed by our amazing Hannum PTA. Finally our Open House presentations will be on Thursday August 26th from 6:30-8:00pm. Here are the dates again in an easier to follow format.
Grades 1-5
- Tues. 8/17: Supply drop off (12:30-2:00 or 6:00-7:30pm)
- Wed. 8/18: First Day of School! (8:30-11:30)
- Thurs. 8/19: First Full Day of School! (8:30-3:20)
- Fri. 8/20: New Parent Breakfast (8:45-9:30)
- Thurs. 8/26: Open House (6:30-8:00pm)
- Tues. 8/17: Supply Drop Off (12:30-2:00 or 6:00-7:30pm)
- Wed. 8/18: Screening begins (9:00-3:00)
- Thurs 8/19: Screening continues
- Fri 8/20: First Day of School for K (8:30-3:20)
- Fri 8/20: New Parent Breakfast (8:45-9:30)
- Thurs 8/26: Open House (6:30-8:00)
BREAKFAST AND LUNCH: Teachers will take a count in the morning, to see who will be taking a breakfast home.
- Breakfast will be bagged and brought to the classrooms at the end of the day, and
- Students to bring home and eat the next day.
- Lunch will be back to 2 choices.
- Students will come through the line and grab a bag that will contain fruit.
- Students will be able to choose their entree and their vegetable and milk.
- All items will be wrapped.
- Breakfast and lunch will continue to be free for the 2021-2022 school year.
TRAFFIC: Now that everyone will be coming back to school, our traffic issues will return as well. Please see the attached map for where to drop off and where you can park if you want to get out and walk your child to their line.
Here are some reminders for helping us get kids in and out of school safely:
- PLEASE pull up as far as you can go when you are letting students out of the car.
- PLEASE do not park across the street and have kids run across to get either to the school or back to your car.
- PLEASE be patient as kids are getting out of the car.
- PLEASE do not block the entrance and exit of the school parking lots and
- PLEASE do not park in the driveway of St. Germaine School. (You may pull into the spots in their parking lot, but do not park in the driveway.)
Welcome back to another great year and please reach out with any questions you may have. I am anxious to begin my 15th year as the principal of this amazing school and look forward to seeing you all in just a few days!
Mrs. Anne Marie McGovern
Hannum School Principal
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Mrs. Anne Marie McGovern - Principal
Email: amcgovern@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @McGovernAnne