Neodesha High School
February 3-8
Frozen Jr Set for Saturday and Sunday
The Neodesha High School drama department will present Frozen, Jr. on Saturday, February 8 at 7:00 pm and Sunday, February 9 at 2:00 pm. Tickets cost $8 for adults and $2 for high school and middle school students. Elementary students get in free thanks to a generous donation.
Caney Hosting the JH South Division first round league games-Monday, February 3
Teams – Caney, Cherryvale, Fredonia, Neodesha
Approximate game times and locations
Main Gym (All BOYS games)
4:00 – Neodesha vs. Fredonia (B game)
5:00 – Neodesha vs. Fredonia (A game)
6:00 – Caney vs. Cherryvale (B game)
7:00 – Caney vs. Cherryvale (A game)
Secondary Gym (All GIRLS games)
4:00 – Neodesha vs. Fredonia (A game)
5:00 – Neodesha vs. Fredonia (B game)
6:00 – Caney vs. Cherryvale (A game)
7:00 – Caney vs. Cherryvale (B game)
Admission: $4 adults - $3 students All Tournament games – NO PASSES accepted!
Middle School Students Selected to Honor Band
Please extend your congratulations to the following students for being selected for the first ever Chanute Honor Band. Students are referred to this event by recommendation from their instructors and are currently excelling on their instrument. The following students have been selected to play in one of 3 bands composed of students from across South East Kansas that are within the same age group and skill set as they are. From Neodesha Middle School in the Second and Third year bands we would like to congratulate the following students on their selection for this event!
Aleeya Dixon
Caylan Ringle
Mayra Wheeler
Camila Ortiz
AnnaLee Winters
Aubrey Jamison
Brylor Hinshaw
Ka’Liyah Lawrence
Sam Meseraull
Shaiden Dodge
Tabby Oldweiler
These students will perform with the honor bands on February 1st in Chanute at Royster Middle School 400 W. Main in Chanute. The concert will start at 3 with the first year band and end at 4:30 with the 3rd year band. This concert is free to the public and we encourage you to come out and support these fantastic bluestreak band students on their achievement!
Mr. Lowry Selected as 2025 Kansas Horizon Award Winner!
The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) has announced the recipients of the 2025 Kansas Horizon Award, a program recognizing the outstanding teaching skills of new educators.
The 32 educators chosen for this prestigious award will be honored at a special ceremony during the Kansas Exemplary Educators Network (KEEN) State Education Conference on Feb. 21, in Topeka.
The Kansas Horizon Award program, sponsored by KSDE, allows all school districts in the state to nominate one elementary and one secondary teacher for the award. To be eligible, teachers must have successfully completed their first year of teaching and have performed in such a way as to distinguish themselves as outstanding.
Four elementary and four secondary classroom teachers may be selected for the award from each of the state’s four regions that correspond to the state’s U.S. congressional districts.
Recipients of the 2025 Kansas Horizon Award were notified of their selection by Kansas Commissioner of Education Dr. Randy Watson.
The 2025 Kansas Horizon Award recipients are as follows:
Region 1
Dalton Kraus, Victoria Elementary School, Victoria USD 432
Emma Lidstrom, Coronado Elementary School, Salina USD 305
Anglie Linden, Lyons Middle School, Lyons USD 405
Jessyka Mikkelson, Southeast of Saline Elementary School, Southeast of Saline USD 306
Rylie Sanders, Buhler High School, Buhler USD 313
Sarah Schlottman, Abilene High School, Abilene USD 435
Kiley Seidl, Haven Grade School, Haven USD 312
Brayden Smith, Hays High School, Hays USD 489
Region 2
Denise Acosta, Spring Valley Elementary School, Geary County USD 475
Jasmine Colle, Hillsboro Middle/High School, Durham-Hillsboro-Lehigh USD 410
Jason Dester, Topeka West High School, Topeka USD 501
Brennen Feeback, Fort Scott High School, Fort Scott USD 234
Makayla Gray, Burlington Elementary School, Burlington USD 244
Michael Lager, Junction City High School, Geary County USD 475
Alyssa Larson, Gray Hawk Elementary School, Basehor-Linwood USD 458
Trenton Lowry, North Lawn Elementary School, Neodesha USD 461
Region 3
Sarah Alas, Delaware Ridge Elementary School, Bonner Springs USD 204
Ryleigh Diskin, Ray Marsh Elementary School, Shawnee Mission USD 512
Marie Jones, Scarborough Elementary School, Olathe USD 233
Brock LaPlante, Spring Hill High School, Spring Hill USD 230
Tara Mulcahy, Broadmoor Elementary School, Louisburg USD 416
Steve Murray, Olathe West High School, Olathe USD 233
Allaire Pigg, Turner High School, Turner USD 202
Eric Reece, Central Heights Middle School, Central Heights USD 288
Region 4
Viridiana Arias, Maize South High School, Maize USD 266
Lexie Bullinger, Robert M. Martin Elementary School, Andover USD 385
Joshua Isaacs, West Elementary School, Valley Center USD 262
Tyler Kohlman, Amelia Earhart Elementary School, Goddard USD 265
Matt Miller, Truesdell Middle School, Wichita USD 259
Anna Patton, Augusta Middle School, Augusta USD 402
Hannah Reynolds, Eisenhower High School, Goddard USD 265
Kelsy Sproul, Sedan Elementary School, Chautauqua USD 286
NHS Bluetunes Dinner and a Show
Attention Senior Parents!
Please send your seniors first, middle, and last name to: tscott@usd461.org to ensure the correct spelling on the diplomas. Thank you.
Community Service Opportunities
To take advantage of this and other community service opportunities, contact Rebekah Peitz in the Promise Office.
Senior Capstone Information
Promise Scholarship Information
It is a BIG year for the Neodesha Promise! November 2024, marks 5 YEARS of the Neodesha Promise Scholarship Program. In the past 5 years, we have had 148 students receive the Promise Scholarship and sent over $775,000 in scholarship funds. Please be sure to follow the Neodesha Promise on Instagram and Facebook for more details!
The Promise has sent out just over $170,000 the Fall 2024 semester. By January 2025 we will have sent just over One MILLION dollars in scholarships. Please check out some upcoming deadlines/events below! Have questions about the Promise? Please reach out!
2025 Promise Application requirements:
2.5 GPA or higher (9th-12th grade)
50 community service hours
Students will turn their community service hour forms into the Promise office
Students receiving 100+ community service hours will qualify for an additional 5%
Community service opportunities:
Community service form:
ACT requirement of 21 for students planning to attend a four university
There is no ACT requirement for students planning to attend a community college or Technical school
Important dates:
January 3rd - Scholarship/FAFSA completion 9-3pm
January 15th - FAFSA night 6pm
March 3rd Promise Application closes for 2025 applicants
Rebekah Peitz
Neodesha Promise Administrator/College Academic Coach
NHS Lunch Menu for February
This Week's Schedule
Saturday, February 1
9:00 AM Wresting @ Fredonia
9:00 AM TVL Powerlifting @ Cherryvale
6:30 PM Bluetunes Dinner Concert
Monday, February 3
8 Period Day
4:00 PM MS BB @ Caney (see schedule above)
Tuesday, February 4
8 Period Day
5:00 PM Home HS Basketball vs. Fredonia
Wednesday, February 5
Late Start
Block Day
FFA @ Eureka
Thursday, February 6
Block Day
3:00 PM Regional Scholars Bowl @ Haven
3:30 PM MS TVL Basketball @ Fredonia
5:30 PM JV/C Boys Basketball @ Oswego
Friday, February 7
5:00 PM HS Basketball @ Eureka
MS Formal 6:30 PM (Pictures Begin) to 9:00 PM
Saturday, February 8
10:00 AM MS TVL Basketball TBD
7:00 PM HS Musical
Medication Reminder
A reminder to students and parents that students are not allowed to carry medication (prescription or over the counter). ALL medication must be checked in with school nurse and a medication form must be signed by parent/guardian in order for the nurse to administer proper medication.
Neodesha Educational Foundation (NEF)
We are a non-profit organization that works in conjunction with Neodesha Public Schools, USD 461. This organization was established in 1995 by then Superintendent of schools, High School Principal, and various community members. The organization was established with bylaws and a governing board for the purpose of exposing Neodesha High School students with on the job training in the construction industry. Each year students have the opportunity to be enrolled in a building trades class at Neodesha High School. This class partners with the NEF to preform construction tasks within the community of Neodesha. Since the inception of the organization these students have built over 20 houses from the ground up. They have also completed remodeling projects for the school, local churches, businesses, and community members. The projects completed by the NEF have added value to our community along with providing our community with much needed housing options
• Programs: Housing projects, Student Assistance Program, Dolly Parton Imagination Library, Phoenix Project
• Fundraising Opportunities: Engraved Granite Tiles, School Supply Drive with UMC, General Donations
• Board Members: Juanita Erickson, Nathan West, Drew Johnson, Jackie Chandler, Kim Petrulis, and Rebekah Peitz
Contact us at www.neodesha.k12.ks.us; Phone- 620-325-3015
Nathan West (President)