New Tech News
Monthly School Newsletter - March
In This Issue.....
- SAT Day
- New Tech at City Hall - Community Service Recognition
- Student Leadership Update
- Student's Of the Week - February
- SRA Digital Creation Class
- Coding Competitions
- ELPAC Testing
- Parent Power Hour Update
- DOL Panel Member Sign-up
- Counselors Corner
- Seniors
- South Land Park Neighborhood Association Scholarship!
- Upcoming Events
SAT DAY for all 11th Graders! - March 1st!
The SAT will start at 8:30am so it is very important that students arrive to school on time.
All students should report to Room 7.
Please remember to get a good night sleep and also eat a healthy breakfast. This will help your brain work at maximum capacity!
Good Luck Timberwolves!
For more information about how the SAT can benefit your student, please visit:
New Tech Receives Recognition at City Hall
We would like to invite all of our student volunteers to attend this event and be recognized for their important contribution to the park.
We will be meeting in the main lobby of City Hall at 5:45pm. If you can bring your student to this event, that would be a HUGE help! We definitely want our students to be in the spotlight at this event. Any family member who want to cheer us from the audience is welcome to attend as well.
Please park in the City Hall Parking structure and they will be providing parking vouchers.
Thursday, Mar 2, 2023, 06:00 PM
Sacramento City Hall, I Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
Student Leadership Update!
Advisory Volley Ball Tournament
Go Timberwolves!
Spirit Alert!
Students of the Week - February
2/6 - 2/10
2/13 - 2/17
2/20 - 2/24
SRA Digital Creation Class
This month, they will learn about Character Design, Animation & Stop Motion, Storyboards, and Garage Band Basics
We do have a couple spots left if there are some students who would still like to join, but please join quickly because pretty soon, it will be too late to add anymore students.
If you want to join the class, please see Principal Martin.
The class is held every Friday from 4-5:30pm!
LVL Up - An Intro to Game Design
Right now, they are offering a Video Game Design Course at their location, Lab 7.
This workshop is for 9-12 grade scholars every Saturday from 2-4pm
Lab 7 is located at 2417 21st, 95818
Here is the link to register, or you can also use the QR Code on the image.
Here's a description of the course:
LVL UP is a crash course in video game design teaching scholars the fundamentals in design and the dev world. This 8-week program covers character development, animation, movement, and more! Scholars will be guided through techniques from experienced developers and create original content of their very own creation!.
Please note: Although this workshop started last week, you still have time to join! Register now to secure your spot!
Coding Competitions!
CodeWars - Saturday, March 4th @ Hewlett-Packard Roseville Campus
HPE CodeWars is a first-class computer programming competition for high school students. HPE CodeWars was first hosted on Hewlett-Packard's Houston campus.
The event successfully combines several quality ingredients: the high-tech HP environment, a wide range of programming challenges, large amounts of good "programmer" food, music, plus giveaways - all in an exciting, stimulating, and competitive environment.
Students enjoy pushing their limits in the competitive atmosphere. After the formal contest is over, we award trophies to the top competitors in each of two classifications, plus loads of exciting door prizes like computers, scanners, printers, software, and accessories. This is the ultimate high school computer programming competition.Code Quest - Saturday, April 22nd
Each year, Lockheed Martin hosts Code Quest, an annual computer programming competition where teams of two to three high school students work together to solve problems by using JAVA, Python, C#, and/or C++ programming to complete the “quest”. The problem set consists of 20 to 30 challenging problems created by Lockheed Martin engineers and computer programmers.
Students who attend and participate in these events must complete a field trip form signed by their parent or guardian.
Parent Power Hour
More details to come!
PTSA Paint & Brews Fundraiser
Defense of Learning - DOL
Here's a quick article about DOL vs Traditional Finals.
The students will present their defense to a panel of teachers, peers, parents, and community members. Each panel will consist of 5 or 6 panel members.
There is a lot of coordination that goes into this program. As part of their presentations, we try to find community member panelists who match the career aspiration of our students.
Right now, we are on the look out for panel members. If you are willing and able to volunteer to be on a DOL Panel, please send an email to jessica-martin@snths.org. Panel members should be prepared to remain on the panel for all of the scheduled student presentations on that day. Presentations will start at 1:15pm and should end right around 4pm. If you or anyone you know would be willing to help us out, please let us know. We will be sending formal invitations to our volunteers.
Here are the dates and types of panel members we need:
Arts: Graphic Design, Video Production, Music, Photography, Fashion (April 17th & 19th)
Coding: Animation, Software Engineering, Game Design (April 18th-20th)
Health Care (April 17th & 19th-20th)
Skilled Trades (April 18th-19th)
Engineering (April 18th)
Social Work/Counseling (April 20th)
Law Enforcement/ Criminal Justice/ Attorney (April 20th)
Panelist will be given a rubric to use during the presentation which will help us give feedback to the students.
Counselor's Corner
A-G Eligibility
New Tech has an LCAP goal that says 85% of our senior class will be A-G eligible by 2023-24. Right now, we are looking at 38%, so we have a ways to go! In order to be A-G eligible, students must have a C or higher in all core academic courses. If students have D's or F's, they should meet with Ms. Kim immediately to get enrolled in credit recovery courses. Do not delay!
For more information about A-G, you can always reach out to Ms. Kim. In the meantime, please take a look at the youtube video below!
We will be meeting in the middle of March for a Senior meeting and end of the year expectations.
But, until then....
The cap and gown unit, as ordered from Jostens will come with a cap, a gown, a tassel, and a purple sash. After you order your cap and gown unit you will receive a receipt from Jostens. Your cap and gown will be delivered to the school and will be distributed to you after you complete the senior check out process. If you order any other graduation regalia or keepsakes, those will be delivered directly to your house.
To order you cap and gown, please visit our Josten's page on our school website.
DOL Week is April 17-21.
As long as you keep up with the benchmarks and deadlines that we give you, as you prepare for this presentation, you will do great!
Do not let yourself fall behind! Do the math, DOL week is only 5 weeks away!
Ask your seniors about their DOL. Have them show you their progress. At the beginning of April, have them practice their presentation with you!
You got this Timberwolves!
Scholarship Alert!
Upcoming Events...
- 1st - SAT Day for 11th Graders
- 23rd - Q3 Finals (School is out at 1:40)
- 24th - Q3 Finals (School is out at 1:40)
- 31st - Pajama Pants Day (No Blankets)
- CAASPP Test for 11th graders (Date TBA)
- 3rd - 7th SPRING BREAK
- 17th - 21st DOL Week (Minimum Days all week)
- 24th - Parent Power Hour
- 28th - Pajama Pants Day
- 11th - Spring Showcase!
- 24th-26th Senior Trip
- 26th - Pajama Pants Day
- 29th - NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
- 30th - Finals (School out at 1:40)
- 31st - Finals (School out at 1:40)
- 1st - Last Day of School and TECH FEST!
- 2nd - Graduation Ceremony @ Burbank Auditorium, 4:30pm
*more dates will be added as we know them!
Enrolling NOW for the 2023-24 School Year
Email: support@snths.org
Website: newtech.scusd.edu
Location: 1400 Dickson Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
Phone: (916) 395-5254
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SacNewTech