MTSS Family Newsletter
October 2023
MTSS Vision
Special Recognition
By implementing MTSS, we increase consistency of effective instruction, build staff knowledge and skills to equitably support all learners, use data to proactively identify and provide support for students, and create a positive culture that nurtures relationships with students and their families, and communities. This strong foundation helps learners gain the skills needed to realize their life dreams.
Additional Social Work Support
Perception Surveys Coming Soon!
Highlights of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
MTSS Simplified
- All students receive strong core (Tier 1) instruction.
- Students are screened at least three times per year to see if they are meeting expected performance levels.
- Students who are not at expected levels are provided with additional assessments and/or team discussions to identify specific skills or behaviors to target interventions or supports.
- Students are provided interventions or supports (Tier 1, 2, or 3) and data is gathered.
- Teams review the intervention data to determine if the intervention is working, needs to be intensified, or the area of concern has been appropriately addressed.
- Instruction and assessment cycles continue in order to help all students reach expected levels of performance.
Universal Screening
Reading Interventions in Place
- Heggerty for phonemic awareness
- Walpole for phonics
- UFLI (University of Florida Literacy Institute) for phonics and spelling
- REWARDS - decoding multisyllabic words, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension
- Language! Live - foundational skills, fluency, and comprehension
- Curriculum-based interventions to support core instruction
Resources to Check Out
Attendance Works
Attendance Works is a resource that supports families and schools to reduce chronic absenteeism. The resources below are information sheets about the importance of attendance. Please share these with those who have school-age children so we can work together to build knowledge and reduce chronic absenteeism.
Chesaning Schools MTSS Webpage
Health and Wellness
Saginaw County Health Department Resources for Parents and Families
Step Up & BWell is Back This Year!
MTSS Communication
Communication Survey
The District Implementation Team continues to be focused on providing effective communication to help support each school’s use of MTSS. We would like to hear from you about the effectiveness of our communication regarding MTSS. The data will be used by the District Implementation Team to refine our communications and improve how effectively we communicate to you! Please fill out the survey below:
Question: What tools are used to identify student needs and how often are these reviewed?
Answer: Universal screeners (NWEA and SAEBRS) and our Early Warning System (attendance, discipline, and course performance) are the initial tools used to determine student needs. These are reviewed three times per year at each building level. Students who are found to be performing below the expected level are provided diagnostic assessments to identify specific skills that may be in need of intervention. Reading diagnostic assessments include tests on phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, and oral reading fluency. Diagnostic assessments are provided at least three times per year, but could be provided if a need arises outside the screening times.