OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 9/21/21~
Mustang Scholars and Families,
Everyone should look forward to receiving the “Special Edition” Newsletter tomorrow morning for our OLHMS World Vision 6K. Families can expect to receive these special editions when our school and scholars take part in large learning events. We are so proud of our entire school community for taking the time to be informed and involved in supporting our mission and vision to embrace diversity and contribute positively to our community and global society. Speaking of appreciation, thank you to our school community for supporting our efforts to keep our school and local community clean. We appreciate the continued conversations with our scholars at home about disposing of garbage properly. Please continue these conversations along with conversations about the use of social media and certain apps and possible destruction of school property. Like many schools across the country, we are experiencing some challenges with students taking school property for an internet challenge. Remember, students' cell phones should be powered off and locked in student lockers daily.
Lunch: Here is the link for the September Lunch Menu . Please remember there is a free option, but any items not included with the free lunch will become a charge to your account.
Medical Forms: If you have not already done so, please submit your medical forms to our Nurse’s office. These forms are due by October 15th.
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off: Please continue to exercise a courteous approach when dropping off and picking up scholars! Scholars should not be running across the street to get into your vehicles- we have had a few very close calls with students almost getting hit by a car.
Amazon Smile Account: Our lovely PTSA has requested that we utilize and promote the PTSA Amazon Smile Account. Here is the link Amazon Smile. Parents/ staff would need to choose Oak Lawn Hometown Middle PTSA.
Join the Band in Oak Lawn-Hometown SD 123!
Remember it's as easy as 1..2..3..
Step 1: Learn about Band in D123
go to: https://sites.google.com/d123.org/joind123band/home
Step 2: Fill out the “Band Instrument Preference” form.
We’ll do this at school during the week of September 13. You’ll need to know if you’re planning to join the Band and which instruments are your top 2 choices.
Step 3: Attend the Band Registration & Instrument Rental Meeting at OLHMS
(Parents only, please)
Pick ONE meeting to attend:
Thursday, Sept 23 at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 7pm
Friday, Sept 24 at 9am
District 123 PTA/PTO/PTSA Drive Thru Spooktacular
Spooktacular treats donation needed
OLHMS Library Book Fair
Feeling generous but fundraisers aren't your thing? Here is your pass to still help the PTSA give your kids a great year at school. Go to our memberhub store, purchase the Guilt-Free Giving Pass, and opt out of our other fundraisers for the year, guilt-free.
First Student Bus Driver Recruitment
Here is the flyer to apply today with First Student Bus Company- Drivers Needed!