Feb 2021
Urban Bush Women Community Engagement Workshop
Doug Varone Dance Company - Virtual Dance Residency
We are pleased to have the Doug Varone Dance Company present a series of virtual workshops this Spring Semester Sponsored through the office of Special Programs
Saturday 2/20 – Virtual Showing and Q & A at 7pm
Monday 2/22 – Modern 3 @ 10:30am
Modern 3 @ 5:25pm
Tuesday 2/23 – Modern 2 @ 11:45am
Choreography 1 @ 1:10pm
Modern 4 @ 4:45pm
Thursday 2/25 – Modern 4 @ 4:45pm
Ensemble Connect Virtual Residency Performance
Join Ensemble Connect for an immersive journey—in collaboration with contemporary dance artist Wendell Gray II and director Isabella LoRusso—that explores music’s power to physically and emotionally move people. Including a structured improvisation based on body movements, engage with the music at home to see how it inspires movement and how movement inspires music. The event also features works by Boulanger, Boulogne, Paquito D’Rivera, Hindemith, Koechlin, Komitas, and Villa-Lobos.
Come talk with Dance Majors & Minors and Faculty about opportunities for students majoring and minoring in dance, as well as classes, workshops, research, and performance opportunities.
Join Zoom Meeting
Departmental Updates and Action Items
This Spring, the department faculty and staff are engaging in an Anti-Racism educational program led by Kasey Catlett, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the College of the Holy Cross. The Department met for the first of five sessions on Jan 22nd and will engage in an additional four workshops (one per month) throughout the semester.
Spring Virtual Guest Artist Series
Led by Prof. Erika Pujic, the department has been working to set up an extensive virtual guest artist workshop series for the Spring semester! We'd like to thank Prof. Pujic for her work in organizing this fantastic line up of guests artists for us to work with. Please see details of this series in the 'Departmental Events' below.
Studio Usage Policies
The department is working to clarify the studio usage policies for the remainder of the semester. Due to COVID restrictions, the dance studios/ theater space can only be reserved by seniors working on dance related Capstone projects. We hope to make studio space more readily available in the future as we are all eager to get back to doing more of our favorite thing - dancing!!
Student Committee - News and Notes
Senior Capstone
Dance Community Forums
Check Out These Upcoming Departmental Events!
Wendell Gray II
Peter Chu
Formally of Crystal Pite's Kidd Pivot
Monday 3/8 – Modern 3 (pm class)
Tuesday 3/9 – Choreography 1 & Modern 4
Antonio Brown
Formally of Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company
Monday 3/8 – Modern 3 (am class)
Thursday 3/11 – Modern 4
Urban Bush Women
Friday 4/9 – Dance & Society lab
Shakia Barron
Formally of Rennie Harris Puremovement
Friday 4/23 – Dance & Society lab
Saturday Master Class – DATE & TIME TBD
Ephrat Asherie
New York City based and award winning B-Girl
Friday Music for Dancers class – DATE & TIME TBD
Saturday Community Master Class – DATE & TIME TBD
Faculty/Staff Happenings
Erika Pujič is choreographing a new work with an original score by Carl Landa for Brown University's Festival of Dance which will premiere in a live virtual performance on March 20, 2021. She will also be dancing in a new work by New Mexico native lisa nevada on the same program. Erika is also staging Robert Battle's Rush Hour on the dancers at Queensborough Community College which will be part of a virtual performance in mid-May.
Carl Landa was the accompanist at the Doug Varone Virtual Winter Intensive 2021
Prof. Sarah DiPasquale recently published a paper in Research in Dance Education with dance alumni Meaghan Wood '17. https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/AKIKKM3XMKQUBKEW7XZR/full?target=10.1080/14647893.2021.1884673 Prof. DiPasquale presented at the Skidmore Board of Trustees meeting on Feb 17th discussing the use of remote and hyflex models of teaching in dance pedagogy.
Professor Jason Ohlberg has published an in-practice academic paper in the Journal of Dance Education entitled “Rethinking Technique: Considering Visual, Oral, And Movement Literacy to Promote Technical Skill and Artistic Growth”. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15290824.2020.1866761
Prof. Ohlberg will be presenting on a teaching panel "Adventures and Experiences in Virtual Teaching" to Skidmore retired faculty and staff on March 19th.
Skidmore Dance Department
Email: sdipasqu@skidmore.edu
Website: https://www.skidmore.edu/dance/index.php
Location: 815 North Broadway, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA
Phone: 518 580 5360
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SkidmoreDance