World Language Educator's Monthly
Seattle Public Schools - September, 2023
Welcome Back to the 2023-2024 School Year!
Celebrating Hispanic / Latinx Heritage Month
Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year and to celebrating Hispanic / Latinx Heritage Month during September and October. There are many resources available online and from your colleagues for focusing on and affirming latinx/hispanic identities all year. During this month it is a great time to recognize, celebrate and learn about our students and those in our community. Looking for a range of projects and resources - check out this virtual bookshelf from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Arabic in Seattle Public Schools
Arabic in Seattle Public Schools - Virtual Offering & In-Person Offering
SPS is excited to continue offering Arabic 1 Virtual Course and Arabic 1 at Chief Sealth International High School. Please welcome Dr. Basma Ghoneim who was also teaching Arabic in SPS last year.
Dr. Basma (She, her) was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. She has a Ph.D. in History and Islamic Civilization. She has been teaching Arabic for over 10 years now and is continuing to teach Arabic in the Us for non-Arabic speakers for 6 years. She is so excited to be part of SPS to offer her experience to all the students who are eager to learn Arabic. She loves to spend her time helping others learning Arabic, walking, reading, and enjoying nature as well!
Welcome Dr. Basma!
Antiracism in the World Language Classroom - Job-Alike PLC Series
Sign-up Now to join the District-wide World Language PLC
This PLC will focus on the book Antiracism in the World Language Classroom. All World Language educators are invited! It will meet 4 times this year on the following dates on Teams. 4 Clock Hours are available. Register here on Learn to join this PLC and get the Outlook invites. If needed, the course code is 24CWLP4-1.
World Language Credit Testing 2023-2024
World Language Credit Testing dates and registration are available here.
Interested in hosting a testing date at your school? Please contact tbwilliams@seattleschools.org to discuss details and schedule a date for this fall or spring. Last year over 10 schools hosted site-based testing days. Thank you educators for leading this work!
Please share with interested students...
Applications are now open for the 2024-2025 NSLI-Y summer and academic year programs!
The U.S Department of State’s NSLI-Y program provides scholarships for American high school students to study a critical language abroad for a summer or an academic year. NSLI-Y offers programs for the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajiki), Russian, Turkish, and Indonesian. Program participants are immersed in the language and culture of their host country, giving them formal and informal language practice and sparking a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures. Participants receive intensive language instruction, live with a host family for all or part of the program, and participate in a variety of cultural activities and excursions.
Japanese Article of Interest - Onigiri in Seattle
World Language & International Education in Seattle Public Schools
This newsletter is published monthly. Suggestions for future newsletter stories or announcements. Please email tbwilliams@seattleschools.org To view archived newsletters please visit here.