Pinewood Newsletter
February 2, 2024 - Pinewood Elementary School
Sports Day! - This Friday, we'll be showing our school spirit by dressing up in our favorite sports attire! Go Pinewood!
VIP - Congratulations to January's VIP (Volunteers Improving Pinewood) Ashley Betts. Thank you for helping make Pinewood the best it can be!
Inclement Weather Bussing - Reminder! On days that our winter weather is more extreme, we encourage our families to ride the bus. If you'd like to be added to these inclement weather routes and notifications, please complete the Inclement Weather Rider Form and submit it as soon as possible.
Double Good Popcorn For Sale - Help support our 4th grade Coloma field trip and get some yummy treats at the same time. Flyers will be going home soon, and all sales are due to your child's teacher by February 14th. More information in the flyer below.
TK/K Enrollment - TK and Kindergarten enrollment is now open! Students are eligible to enroll in TK if they turn 5 between September 2, 2024 and June 2, 2025. Students are eligible to enroll in Kindergarten if they turn 5 on or before September 1, 2024. This process can be started online by clicking here, or by coming into the office to get an enrollment packet. Our online enrollment can also be found on our school website. We can't wait to meet all of our new students!
- February 9th -- Sports Day!
- February 12th -- No School (Lincoln's Day)
- February 13th -- PTC Meeting
- February 19th -- No School (President's Day)
- February 23rd -- 2nd Trimester Ends
- March 1st -- Family Bingo Night (Weather Permitting)
Dental Van
The Dental Van will be here in May. If you would like your child to access this resource, please sign up using the following links: English Dental Van Application Spanish Dental Van Application
Parent Teacher Club
Power's Out? School's In!
Hello Pinewood families and staff!
We invite you to help our yearbook team collect photos of all the fun moments and activities this school year. To help enhance the Pinewood yearbook and ensure it is full of meaningful memories for our students, we ask that you please consider sharing photos you take of school related activities/events (while on campus, field trips, sports and other school events). You may email photos to pwyearbook@ppesd.org now and throughout the year. Keep in mind that the yearbook team will be working hard in the spring to complete and finalize our yearbook. The earlier you send them, the better.
Note: While we want everyone to send photos, due to size and layout limitations, we may not be able to include them all. If there is a photo you want to ensure is in your personal yearbook, remember to take advantage of the 2 free custom pages that TreeRing offers when you purchase a yearbook for your family, and include your special photo(s) there.
IMPORTANT: This email is monitored by a parent volunteer, NOT school staff. Do not send questions or content regarding topics other than the yearbook to this email. Please utilize your normal routes of communication with your student's teacher or the office for all other inquiries.
If you have photos you would like to share with yearbook staff, please email them to pwyearbook@ppesd.org. Ensure to include a description including:
What is the event?
Name(s) and grade/teacher of the kid(s)/people in the photo.
Thank you! Your contribution will help us make a yearbook full of memories for our young Falcons to cherish.
Pinewood Elementary School
Email: jmckeand@ppesd.org
Location: 6181 Pine Street, Pollock Pines, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 644-2384