World Language Educator's Monthly
Seattle Public Schools - October, 2022
World Language Credit Testing Dates & Site-Based Testing for 2022-2023
Interested in hosting a testing date at your school? Please contact tbwilliams@seattleschools.org to discuss details and schedule a date for this fall or spring. Last year over 10 schools hosted site-based testing days. Thank you educators for leading this work!
Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
Avant ADVANCE ACTFL Standards Training
Read more here about this self-paced training available for clock hours. Interested? Sign up here. Sign up closes 11/1/2022 and licenses will be available to begin after 11/15/2022. You have one year to complete.
Organic World Language Wednesday Afternoon Trainings
This year we will once again offer Wednesday afternoon trainings with Organic World Language on Job-Alike Red Wednesdays. If you are interested please email tbwilliams@seattleshools.org so you can get the Outlook invite. Trainings are virtual. Dates are still being decided but will likely be December, January, February, and March.
Heritage Spanish Speakers Course PLC
Are you teaching a Heritage Spanish Speakers or Spanish for Spanish-Speakers course? If so, please join the teacher lead PLC. This PLC is available for clock hours and will meet 4 times this year. The dates are: Wednesdays - 11/2, 2/1, 3/1, 5/3 from 2:30 - 3:30pm.
The following topics will be discussed as well as more!
- Developing portfolio approach for students to demonstrate their growth and accomplishments over the year.
- Share strategies you are using to reaffirm identity and culture through language
- Share strategies and project design to build relationships, confidence, overcome language trauma and affirm all forms of language and bilingualism.
- Discuss program / course design – How are students finding out about this class and getting enrolled? What are good next step class options for students after this class?
- Other topics?
Interested in teaching a Heritage Spanish course? Reach out to tbwilliams@seattleschools.org
La Trocha Book Launch Event - Latinx / Hispanic Heritage Month Event
“… The author of the book The Trail-La Trocha is coming to Seattle and is hosting an event to launch the book to promote the Spanish education in Seattle. The event is going to take place at the Seattle Amistad school location…”
- Coffee tales, about coffee farm child in two languages - Hispanic Heritage month.
Interested in attending?
Jorge Galeano-Suárez, Author
To confirm the assistance.
Email: Johugasu@hotmail.com
Phone #: 203 822 2613
Instagram: @jogasu
Friday, Nov 4, 2022, 06:00 PM
Seattle Amistad School, 10th Avenue East, Seattle, WA, USA
Promoting Travel Abroad Opportunities & Community Partners
If you want to know more about Global Visionaries contact Sarah Popelka at SarahPopelka@global-visionaries.org
If you want to know more about CIEE contact Meghan Schumacher (WSHS Teacher) or Ian Hippensteele (Global Education Advisor) IHippensteele@ciee.org
Global Visionaries Cultural Immersion Program
CIEE Study Abroad Language Programs
Studying abroad sparks a lifetime of opportunities for students and teachers alike! CIEE offers immersion programs in languages or topics in the arts, business or social change in more than 30 exciting destinations. A nonprofit with 75 years of experience, CIEE awards $5.4 million in scholarships based on academic merit and/or need, making programs accessible to all. Student applications are due January 18, 2023. CIEE also recruits teachers and educators as program leaders every year. Don’t miss the chance to travel and grow professionally during the summer! Program leader applications are now open. For more information on CIEE’s programs or partnership opportunities, please contact Ian Hippensteele at ihippensteele@ciee.org or 209-424-0237
Virtual Spanish Lessons with Global Visionaries
More info here: https://globalvisionaries.org/spanish-lessons/
OneWorld Now! Afterschool Language Program
Registration for OneWorld Now's 2022-2023 Afterschool Program is NOW OPEN! Choose from one of three tracks: the World Language Track - where you can study Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, or Russian two days a week and earn high school credit; the Leadership Track - where you can develop your personal, societal, and global awareness and build skills to enact positive social change; or BOTH, which is called the Global Citizen Track. Virtual and in-person options are available. The deadline to register is October 2nd, but all classes may fill up beforehand. For complete details, go to oneworldnow.org/program or see the registration form at oneworldnow.formstack.com/forms/registration2022, and check out our video at https://vimeo.com/oneworldnow/asp22. If you have any questions, please email info@oneworldnow.org.
World Language & International Education in Seattle Public Schools
Email: tbwilliams@seattleschools.org
Website: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/international-education/world-languages/
Phone: 206 252 0191