Bennett Bulletin
October 2 - October 8
From Ms. Bennett:
Our Walk with the Dogs event on Friday was a blast - See pictures below!
This month my hope is to focus on KINDNESS and character development. Through conversation, read-aloud stories, and reflections I hope to inspire kindness across all aspects of our school day. I hope you can support your fourth grader by modeling kindness as well, and sharing out about all moments - LARGE and small.
The lunchroom aides have been having difficulty with 3rd and 4th graders lately and their behavior in the cafeteria.
On Monday, we will be allowing the kids to sit with anyone from their grade. They will not be mixing between grade levels.
If students are not being respectful and following the expectations, they will be moved and assigned a seat for the day or a determined amount of time. We will try this new method out this week!
**Since we will be out of the building on Thursday and Friday, our class will go to Science with Mrs. Wheeler M,Tu,W.
Literacy Updates
Check out this reading tip to practice at home:
There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom
Stone Fox
Each Kindness
Math Updates
Unit 1 Assessment - Wednesday October 11
Common Core mathematics supports the need for students to become independent problem solvers. We are working on persevering through problems, and having this mentality helps build their confidence in the content.
Make sure to practice:
Subtracting 3/4 digit numbers - including with zeros! We have been reviewing, and this is still an area of concern for some.
Science - Social Studies - Technology Updates
Wednesday and Thursday 2:40-3:30 - Science with Mrs. Wheeler
Technology - 4th graders have completed four major digital citizenship lessons so far! This week we will finish our Digital Citizenship lessons
Homework Reminders
Students are expected to read EVERY NIGHT. (R.A.L in the agenda means "Read at least...")
**The school district policy is that students be given 10 minutes of homework per grade level each night; 40 minutes for 4th graders.
Students are expected to complete the following every night:
Math Facts (+,-, x, /)
Any work from class that was not finished during school