65-Day {HOLIDAY} Challenge
Simplify Your Holidays
Give Your Family the GIFT of a Peaceful, Simplified, Joyful Holiday Season!
- Tired of feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and mentally 'beat up' at the end of the holiday season?
- Want to escape from the holiday pressures and expectations that society (and we) put on ourselves?
Join Professional Organizers, Jennifer Ford-Berry and Grace Brooke, for a *65-day {HOLIDAY} challenge that will leave you feeling HAPPY, FULFILLED, at PEACE, full of JOY and ORGANIZED at the end of this holiday season.
Tired of being the holiday grouch?
Discover ways to:
- Get organized and effectively plan ahead for the holidays
- Be prepared for company at a moments notice
- Be at peace with 'good enough' and free of holiday expectations
- Learn to say "no" guilt-free
- Letting go of "perfectionism"
- Simplify your holidays
During the 65-day challenge, which is held in an exclusive Facebook group, you are encouraged to post photos, share your successes and setbacks and support/encourage your fellow participates. It is during this 65-day period that we will FOCUS on...
- How to handle holiday expectations
- How to organize a holiday timeline
- Gratitude - the true meaning of the holidays
- How to organize and simplify your holiday gift giving
- Getting a handle on greeting cards
- Master stress-free entertaining
- Organizing gift wrapping supplies
- Properly storing and organizing holiday decorations
Monday, October 29th - Monday, December 31st
Jennifer and Grace will be sharing 8 “Tough Love Lessons" (audio files) and their FAVORITE HOLIDAY ORGANIZING SECRETS and tips that will help you clear the clutter in your life and enjoy a stress-free holiday season.
Reserve your spot today! Click here to register.
As a bonus, you will also receive over $500 worth of gifts from our sponsors...
Our Sponsors
"100 Days to Christmas 2012" eBook by ListPlantIt.com
Getting Organized Magazine
50% off a 1-year subscription to Getting Organized Magazine
Hannah Keeley
Complimentary access to Hannah Keeley's 7-day program called "The Mom Stress Cure"
Get Parenting Help Now
Complimentary Quick Start Report, “Three Essential Strategies for Getting Your Kids to Listen the First Time” from Get Parenting Help Now
Dear Miss Modern
A "Holiday Suite" from Dear Miss Modern's design shop
Mother Thyme
An eBook of quick, simple recipes for holiday entertaining from Mother Thyme
House of Grace
eBook, "7 Days to a Clean Home" {without going crazy or working too hard}
What People Are Saying...
“My head and home (and garage and car...) are clearer and I am putting processes and plans in place. I have rid my home of so much that isn't needed and my children have gotten in on the action and now also make better choices about how to spend their money, they think twice or more times before making a purchase as they don't just toss things into the toy room anymore and know how to get rid of things so they value more the things they do have and want to have. THANK YOU”
"This challenge has helped me realize that I am not alone and there are other families with messy areas in their homes!"
"I needed a big push to get me going on what I avoided for a long time. This has done that for me! It has given me access to two professional organizers for such reasonable price. That is something I would have otherwise never had an opportunity to have. I love asking questions and getting answers. The photos help motivate each other and keep me accountable."
"This challenge has encouraged me to work on things at a much faster pace. I have been slowly working on these things for 5 years but being boosted and encouraged by the challenge encouraged me to work on little things daily."
"What I like most about the Challenge is that it has REALLY motivated to me and I've made progress in areas that I never thought was possible. The thought of going through box after box of crap I've kept over the years has caused great stress in my life. Getting through just the small amount I have already has been a huge weight lifted off my shoulders!"
Worth THOUSANDS of dollars!
For as little as a $1.50 per day...
Only $97 - Sign up now!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact one of us.
Grace Brooke - grace@gracebrooke.com
Jennifer Ford-Berry - organize@jenniferfordberry.com
Jennifer Ford-Berry
Professional organizer, entrepreneur, speaker, best selling author of the series: Organize Now! and mother of two. www.jenniferfordberry.com
Grace Brooke
Organizing and Efficiency Specialist, speaker, author and mother of two. www.gracebrooke.com
*The challenge is held via a private Facebook group. To respect group member’s privacy, we ask that what is posted and said within the private group remains confidential (unless permission is given to share).