DHS Media Center April Newsletter
Resources & Information for everyone!
Greetings Dakota Community!
Scholars, educators, libraries, librarians, publishers, and producers of internet content everywhere are coming together to offer parents and students the very best in free educational resources during these uncertain and unprecedented times. I've browsed the free resources, and created free accounts for our students. Please take a look below for research, reading, supportive, and fun resources. Please feel free to e-mail me if you need help with log-ins, or if you have questions regarding any of the resources below. Be sure to check back in May, and June for updated newsletters.
Stay Healthy -
Ms. Gropppuso
New Resources Added April 26, 2020
Clinton Macomb Public Library Digital Resources:
Junior Library Guild Weekly Webcast
Every Tuesday at 2:00 PM: Aiden Tyler, Quaran-Teen, a weekly webcast from Author Rex Ogle: Quaran-Teen
Free At Home Science Labs & Activities
Digital Citizenship Corner
What Ms. G's Reading This Week: 04/26/2020
Classic Literature:
YA Fiction:
New Resources Added Week of April 19, 2020
Audible Audio Books Are Free
All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. Explore the collection, select a title and start listening here: Audible
Adbo's Non-Fiction Collection
The Digital Citizenship Corner
New Resources Added April 12, 2020
CrashCourse on YouTube
CrashCourse offers short videos on a multitude of subjects like: world history, media literacy, theatre and drama, and computer science.
Click here to find CrashCourse playlists.
World Book Enyclopedia
World Book is providing open access to a wide range of content. This content is available from now until April 30, 2020.
Click here to find World Book databases
Gale Research Databases & E-Book Collections
Gale is offering open access to teaching and learning resources for all ages and grade levels.
Click here to find Gale databases & e-book collections
Follett E-Learning & Destiny Discover
The media center purchases many great books and resources through Follett. Follett has graciously opened access to their on-line content. One of the items available is Lightbox. Lightbox offers non-fiction resources for K-5 students. If you have younger students at home, you might want to checkout Lightbox. Find our free media center access here: Lightbox
If you have problems accessing the site, shoot me an e-mail, and I'll get you logged-in.
The Digital Citizenship Corner
Missing fun & games around the media center:
- Print your own coloring pages here: Crayola Free Coloring Pages
- Learn to play chess or improve your game here: Chess
- Many of our books are from Junior Library Guild, access their e-book collection here: JLG
What Ms. G's reading this week: 04/12/2020
YA Fiction:
Ms. Kirsten Groppuso
Email: kgroppuso@cvs.k12.mi.us
Website: https://www.chippewavalleyschools.org/schools/high-schools/dhs/media-center/
Phone: 586-723-2722
Twitter: @DHSMediaCenters